Progress bar: {{}}/{{}}

Stanford University

Stanford Computation and Cognition Lab

In this experiment, we are interested in how people make judgments about other people's reactions.


Today, you will be watching some individual characters play on a game show. They will be betting on a spinning wheel. The prizes that they will receive, as well as the chance that they win, will vary from game to game.

You will watch a total of {{}} games.

We will be asking you to guess how the player feels after finding out the result of each game.


Today, you will be playing a hypothetical game show. You will be betting on a spinning wheel. The hypothethical prizes that you will receive, as well as the chance that you win, will vary from game to game.

You will play a total of {{}} games. Please imagine playing each game as being independent and separate from every other game.

We will be asking you to rate how you feel after finding out the result of each game.

Please imagine that you are in a new game, and do not consider any previous wheels you may have seen or the outcomes you may have hypothethically won.

You are going to spin this wheel. Imagine that you will win the amount of money shown in the section the wheel lands on (indicated by the black pointer). Please study the wheel closely: make sure you know how much you would win for each section, and how large each section is.

Click on the green button when you are ready.

is going to spin this wheel.
He will win the amount of money shown in the section the wheel lands on (indicated by the black pointer). Please study the wheel closely: make sure you know how much he would win for each section, and how large each section is.

Click on the green button when you are ready to see spin his wheels.

You have won $ !
How do you feel? Please rate how strongly you feel for each of the following emotions:

has won $ !
How do you think he feels? Please guess how strongly he feels for each of the following emotions:

  Happiness:     Not at all Extremely
      Sadness:       Not at all Extremely
      Anger:         Not at all Extremely
    Surprise:       Not at all Extremely

    Disgust:         Not at all Extremely
        Fear:           Not at all Extremely
Contentment:   Not at all Extremely
Disappointment: Not at all Extremely    

This is the third last page of this HIT.

Answer each item as honestly as you can by choosing the appropriate response on the scale. There is no "right" or "wrong" answer. Thank you.

Compared to the average person, ...

how compassionate are you?
Very much less Very much more

how narrow-minded are you?
Very much less Very much more

how disagreeable are you?
Very much less Very much more

how clever are you?
Very much less Very much more

how optimistic are you?
Very much less Very much more

Compared to the average person, ...

how greedy are you?
Very much less Very much more

how petty are you? (not pretty, but petty)
Very much less Very much more

how capable are you?
Very much less Very much more

how unreliable are you?
Very much less Very much more

how honest are you?
Very much less Very much more

This is the second last page of this HIT. We would like you to fill in several short questionnaires. For each item, indicate how well it describes you by choosing the appropriate response on the scale. There is no "right" or "wrong" answer. Please answer as honestly as you can. Thank you.

Note: sometimes due to differing screen sizes or the font sizes, the labels on the scales may end up in a confusing place. If that happens, try to zoom in or zoom out (increase or decrease the font size).

Please indicate how well you agree with the following statements. "Strongly Disagree" on the left to "Strongly Agree" on the right.

Strongly                    Strongly
Disagree                      Agree
I feel that I am a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others:                          
I feel that I have a number of good qualities.                          
All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure.                          
I am able to do things as well as most other people.                          
I feel I do not have much to be proud of.                          
I take a positive attitude towards myself.                          
On the whole, I am satisfied with myself.                          
I wish I could have more respect for myself.                          
I certainly feel useless at times.                          
At times I think I am no good at all.                          

Please indicate how well you agree with the following statements. "Strongly Disagree" on the left to "Strongly Agree" on the right.

Strongly          Neutral           Strongly
Disagree                                   Agree
In uncertain times, I usually expect the best.                           
It's easy for me to relax.                           
If something can go wrong for me, it will.                           
I'm always optimistic about my future.                           
I enjoy my friends a lot.                           
It's important for me to keep busy.                           
I hardly ever expect things to go my way.                           
I don't get upset too easily.                           
I rarely count on good things happening to me.                           
Overall, I expect more good things to happen to me than bad.                           
I am a narcissist.
(The word "Narcissist" means:
egotistical, self-focused, and vain.)

Over the past 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems?

Little interest or pleasure in doing things

Not at all       Several days       More than half the days      Nearly every day   

Feeling down, depressed or hopeless

Not at all       Several days       More than half the days      Nearly every day   

Thank you for doing this HIT!

Please answer a few questions about yourself.

What is your gender?   Male   Female
What is your age?  
What is your native language?  

(Optional) Please leave any comments or suggestions regarding this HIT:

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