Progress bar: {{}}/{{}}

Stanford University

Stanford Computation and Cognition Lab

In this study, we are interested in how people read stories and make judgments about emotions.


We are interested in how people think about other people's emotions.

You will read {{}} short sentences and fill in what you think happened. After that, you will then answer some questions regarding your responses.

Fill in the blanks in the following sentence. Please give 5 different completions!

because he was .

because he was .

because he was .

because he was .

because he was .

Next we'll just ask you one question regarding each short story that you wrote: would the person still have done the action you described, if they did not feel the emotion?

For example, imagine another Turker wrote the following short sentence: "Zach cried because he was sad."

If Zach was not sad, would he still have cried?

What do you think? Please use the radio buttons below to indicate how likely it is that Zach would still have cried, if he was not sad.

Very Unlikely Very Likely

Now, do the same with your sentence completions!

You wrote the following sentence:

"{{}} {{}} because he was feeling {{}}"

If {{}} was not feeling {{}}, would he still have {{}}?

Very Unlikely Very Likely

You wrote the following sentence:

"{{}} {{}} because he was feeling {{}}"

If {{}} was not feeling {{}}, would he still have {{}}?

Very Unlikely Very Likely

You wrote the following sentence:

"{{}} {{}} because he was feeling {{}}"

If {{}} was not feeling {{}}, would he still have {{}}?

Very Unlikely Very Likely

You wrote the following sentence:

"{{}} {{}} because he was feeling {{}}"

If {{}} was not feeling {{}}, would he still have {{}}?

Very Unlikely Very Likely

You wrote the following sentence:

"{{}} {{}} because he was feeling {{}}"

If {{}} was not feeling {{}}, would he still have {{}}?

Very Unlikely Very Likely

Please answer a few questions about yourself.

What is your gender?   Male   Female
What is your age range?  
What is your native language?   

Please leave any comments or suggestions regarding this HIT:

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