14.7 Examples: Linear Optimization

In this example, imagine that you operate a furniture company, with the following three products:

  • Tables: Each table makes a profit of $500, costs 8.4 production hours to make, and 3\(m^3\) of storage to store
  • Sofas: Each sofa makes a profit of $450
  • Beds: Each bed makes a profit of $580, costs 9.6 production hours to make, and 8

The profit earned by selling each type of furniture is listed above. However, each piece of furniture requires some factory-time to make and requires warehouse space to store.

Each week you have a budget of only 72 production hours at your factory. Additionally, you have enough warehouse storage to store only 40 m3 (cubic-meters).
Furthermore, from past trends, you can only sell a maximum of 8 tables a week.

How many of each type of furniture should you make for next week to maximise profit?

First, we define our decision variables and objective function:

\[ X_1 = \text{number of tables made} \\ X_2 = \text{number of sofas made} \\ X_3 = \text{number of beds made} \\ \text{Maximize Profit} = 500 X_1 + 450 X_2 + 580 X_3 \]

Next, we define our four constraints:

Production Hour Budget Constraints: \[ 8.4X_1 + 6X_2 + 9.6X_3 \leq 72\] Storage Space Constraints: \[ 3X_1 + 6X_2 + 8X_3 \leq 40\]

Demand Constraints: \[ X_1 + \qquad + \qquad \leq 8\]

Non-negativity Constraints: \[ X_1 \geq 0; X_2 \geq 0; X_3 \geq 0 \]

The lp code looks like this:

objective.fn <- c(500, 450, 580)
const.mat <- matrix(c(8.4,  6, 9.6, 
                        3,  6,   8, 
                        1,  0,   0), 
                      ncol=3 , byrow=TRUE) 
const.dir <- c("<=", "<=", "<=")
const.rhs <- c(72, 40, 8)
# solving model
lp.solution <- lp("max", objective.fn, const.mat, 
                  const.dir, const.rhs, compute.sens=TRUE)

And we can obtain the solution by running:

# to print out the optimal objective function value
## Success: the objective function is 4629.63
# to print out the values of the decision variables (X1, X2, X3)
## [1] 5.925926 3.703704 0.000000

Thus, the optimal solution is: \[X_1 = 5.93, X_2 = 3.70, X_3 = 0\]

Hence, the optimal solution, given the constraints, is to produce 5.93 tables, 3.70 sofas, and 0 beds. This will yield a maximum profit of $4629.63

Note that:

  1. The optimal solution is to not produce any beds at all!
  2. How do we produce fractional tables?? (We’ll address this in the next chapter!)

Q: Which constraints are binding? Which constraints are non-binding?

Now let’s do some sensitivity analyses:

## [1]  2.25000e+02  3.64375e+02 -1.00000e+30
## [1]  630.0000 1000.0000  681.4815

This means that the optimal solution remains the same if:

  • The profit from tables (coefficient on \(X_1\)) lies between $225 and $630
  • The profit from sofas (coefficient on \(X_2\)) lies between $364 and $1000
  • The profit from beds (coefficient on \(X_3\)) lies between $ (-Infinity) and $681.48

That is, in order for the beds to be profitable, we would need to increase the profit of beds to at least $682 per bed!

Now, let’s examine the Shadow prices of the solution.

# Shadow prices
## [1]   50.92593   24.07407    0.00000    0.00000    0.00000 -101.48148

This returns 6 values. The first three correspond to the constraints in the order we put them in. The last three are the shadow prices of the non-negativity constraints (\(X_1 \geq 0\), \(X_2 \geq 0\), and \(X_3 \geq 0\), respectively)

Q: How would you interpret each of these values?

Q: Why is the last (the 6th) shadow price non-zero? And why is it negative?