Chapter 13 Introduction to Time-Series Data

In this chapter we look at time-series data, which is also another fairly common type of data. Time-series data is data for one or more variables that vary across time, which we can denote as Yt to indicate the Y variable at time t.

In principle, we can use many different predictors in a time-series model:

Yt=b0+b1Yt1+b2X2+... where we can use the outcome variables at previous time-steps (Yt1,...), or we can also use regressors at the current (or previous) time-steps (Xt,...). We’ll be covering smoothing-based time-series models (the former), as well as modelling time-series data using regression models (the latter).

The learning objectives for this chapter are:

  • Readers should be able to understand and be able to use simple time-series models, such as the Moving Average, Exponential Smoothing, and Holt-Winters models.

  • Readers should be able to understand concepts important to time-series modelling, such as trends and seasonality, lagged analyses.

  • Readers should be able to apply time-series variables in regression analyses.